Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Final Fundraiser of the Year!

Family Bake Sale is in full force!

If you have any goodies you would like to bring to the bake sale please let me know ASAP! I will be bringing my famous german chocolate cake, it will be delicious. The annual bake sale is so much fun and a great way to earn the last of our kids camp funds. If you don't want to bring a dessert, bring your pocket book and be ready to give! The kids will be the servers for our yummy dirt pudding along with our slime juice. YUM! Be ready to have a great time.


Love and Blessings,

Mrs. Grace

Benefits of Technology

Hello all!

I know I continue to talk about all of these articles over technology but this is the last one, I promise! This one I believe sums up all of the articles by showing all of the benefits of technology in a classroom. It has enhanced test scores, hands on learning, self esteem, and much more. Technology really have become beneficial for a classroom, all schools in America have internet access in some way. The benefits keep growing as technology is enhancing and it just makes me excited!

In our classroom I love using technology anywhere I get the chance. In the future I would love to get iPads or desktop computers to help even more with bringing technology into the classroom. This is all so exciting and I'm looking forward to this journey. Please read the article and let me know what you think!

Love and Blessings,

Mrs. Grace

Garage Sale!


You read the title correctly, the church will be holding a garage sale! All proceeds will go towards the Children's Ministry and getting the kids to church camp. But first let me ask you a few questions:

  • Do you have a cluttered house?
  • Are there things you don't use in your home that someone else might?
  • Are there things you haven't touched in years?
  • Do you love the Children's Ministry?
  • Do you wish for a successful church camp experience for your child?

If you said yes to any of these questions...please donate to the sale! We will take anything you give and will find a place for it. The garage sale will be April 5th starting at 8:00AM. If you would like to volunteer your time please let me know ASAP so I can make a volunteer list. Thank you so much for all that you do and your servants heart! 

God Bless,

Mrs. Grace 

Learning Vocabulary With Technology

Hello all,

With technology booming and slowly becoming the newest form of successful teaching, theres no wonder that I came across an article that really spoke to me on how to integrate technology even more in the classroom. This time specifically in the vocabulary department. Vocabulary is a awesome tool in Children's Ministry. The more vocabulary words learned, the more knowledge you learn through scripture. This article has multiple ways you can use it in the classroom like virtual graphs, vocabulary games, and increasing reading volume to enhance learning.

All of these sound like great ideas that I would love to bring into our classroom. Like always though, I want to know your thoughts! My classroom is open to all opinions, I'm always trying to find ways to help better you child's understanding of God and His love. We can bring in some on these pieces of technology and try them out for our classroom.

God Bless,

Mrs. Grace

Budget Meeting

Hello all,

Doesn't the words "budget meeting" just bring a smile to your face? Oh, just teasing. But it is most definitely needed. After the Valentines Banquet and the upcoming garage sale, the children's ministry has been completely blessed with support. All glory to God! But I would love a meeting with the parents to go over this years budget so you can see hands on where your money is going. The scheduled date is March 31st, please plan to attend. There will be childcare services during the meeting and the best part...PIZZA! Cant wait to see you all there.

God Bless,
Mrs. Grace

Flipped Learning

Hello all!

I ran across this really interesting article and I would love your feedback. There is a new style of teaching going around called "Flipped Learning", its basically where a teacher makes a video that the student will watch prior to class, then when you get to class you have more of a hands on approach. Basically your class time is spent doing the things you teach rather than using the time to teach. What are your thoughts?

I think it has great potential but not necessarily for a Sunday School classroom, at least not every Sunday. Your children already have so much work to do in school, could you imagine me giving you more work before church? It really sounds like a great way for hands on learners to learn but maybe not for the logistical learners or the ones that need the one on one time with the teacher. I will leave the link for the article below, let me know your opinions this Sunday!

God Bless,

Mrs. Grace

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Valentines Banquet

Hello all, thanks for stopping by!

This year for a fundraiser we are going to be doing a Valentines Day Banquet. The students will be serving the adults during a romantic fireside dinner at Mrs. Sherries house. (Details will be given in news letter) It will be a lot of fun so please make sure that your child attends! All proceeds will be going towards our summer camp at Minnetonka Christian Camp. So if you are worried about how you will be able to afford your kiddos going, then let them serve at the Banquet! All details are still in the works so there will be an addition blog once those are finalized.

Looking forward to an amazing time in the Lords house!

Love always,
Ms. Grace

Interested in Assisted Technology?

Assisted Technology is any type of technology that may assist you or your child in the learning process. There are many different aids that can be used for this, whether it be microphone to talk to so you don't have to type, or even glasses to help you see. This article was really informative because there are so many kids that could easily get help with any learning disability if only they were to know what could help them. For my classroom I will keep the list to all of the different resources the article provides if you would like to take one.

For parents, lets get more assisted technology in our houses and classrooms. Making sure that the students are given their best chance and can show their full potential. The goal of my classroom is to form little world changers for the cause of Christ, and I want absolutely nothing to hold them back. Lets work together, don't hesitate to ask any questions. 

- Ms. Grace 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Gearing Up For VBS!

Hello all!

Are you as excited as I am for this years Vacation Bible School? We will be going on a jungle safari, hunting for Gods Word! This cannot be done without the help of my volunteers. So with that being said, if you haven't signed your name up to volunteer then don't you worry...its not to late. There is a sign up sheet at the back of the auditorium and on the back of every children classroom door. If you would like to join me and see the beauty of God's work shine through the hearts of children, don't hesitate! There is a job for everyone.

If you're still on the edge about what you're going to do, the least you can do is pray for an amazing week. I pray that every child finds Christ if they didn't already have a relationship with Him and that we can show the children how to be servants for Christ.

Please don't hesitate to call me if you have any questions!

Love Always,

Grace Miller

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Lets Catch Up!

So as you all (hopefully) know by now, the students have been learning all about the Fruit of the Spirit in Sunday School! We are wrapping up our series next week while we study what self-control is really all about. I believe that the students have really grasped the concept of what the fruit of the spirit is and how they can apply it to their own lives. Though this series is ending, I'm so excited to announce that we will be starting a new series over Joseph in two weeks! Yay! So please be drop your children off at Sunday School promptly at 8 AM Sunday morning so we can get the ball rolling on our new series. I love you all and thank you for letting me love your kids!

Love and blessings,
Ms. Grace

P.S. If your children haven't annoyed you enough with this song, I have attached the "Fruit of the Spirit" song below. ENJOY!

Internet Safety Plan and Consent Form

Hello all!

As technology is changing daily, I believe that the use of technology is now vital for this generation. It is time for my classroom to take a step in the right direction and integrate more technology usage. But first I will need the consent of all of you! I'm sure you might have a few questions so hopefully the following will cover everything:

For the safety of your child the church will provide:
- Limited access to all websites
- All passwords will be given to instructor
- Any applications or websites will be monitored for educational purposes
- All materials will have safety settings
- No cell phone usage in classroom unless given permission by instructor

Here are some ways you can assure safety for your child at home:
- Limited time on all technology
- Access to all passwords
- Parental controls on all websites/applications used by child
- Monitoring childs use of technology
- Find educational activities to do with child while on devices

Lets work together as we take another step with technology and use these simple steps to assure safety:
- Monitor ALL access to internet and technology
- Set times for access of technology
- Do activities with student to ensure they're doing the right thing
- Encourage child to talk about anything they may need help with while using technology

I have attached a consent form to this article for every parent to fill out per child. Please print out and return to me by Sunday, January 24th, 2016. If your child does not return the form, they will not be able to participate in any activities involving technology. Please don't hesitate to call/email if you have any questions or concerns involving this topic.

Love and Blessings,
Ms. Grace

Technology Integration

Hello all! Thank you for stopping by for my most recent update. I just read a really amazing article that is all about the history of technology and I believe it is really beneficial for our classrooms today! You may read it here:

After reading this I hope you see that our classroom is a tiny bit behind on the technology train! I think the older generation might be missing out on something amazing. Technology offers so many cool aspects to the classroom, “It offers active engagement, the opportunity to participate in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connections to real-world contexts. Technology also expands what students can learn by providing them with access to an ever-expanding store of information.”[1] Now I don’t want to just throw Ipads at your children and give them busy work but I really believe after reading this article that we can step it up in the technology realm.

As I reflect on everything I read I can’t help but to look at our class and see where there is some work to be made. We use our computer and soundboard for music and power points but what could we do better to get the children engaged? I have a few tricks up my sleeve with an Ipad and I’m excited to let the kiddos try it out this Sunday. Lets work together on some ideas to really try to integrate technology into our classroom. I hope you have an amazing day and thank you for stopping by. See you bright and early for Sunday School at 8 am!

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life

Love Always,
Ms. Grace

[1] "Technology Integration: A Short History." Edutopia. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.